ASHLAND, Wis. (Press Release) - Following more than a year of study and planning, Xcel Energy announced it has filed an application for a Certificate of Authority with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) to install biomass gasification technology at its Bay Front Power Plant in Ashland. When completed, the project will convert the plant's remaining coal-fired unit to biomass gasification technology, allowing it to use 100 percent biomass in all three boilers and making it the largest biomass plant in the Midwest. Currently, two of the three operating units at Bay Front use biomass as their primary fuel to generate electricity.
The project, estimated at $58 million, will require additional biomass receiving and handling facilities at the plant, an external gasifier, minor modifications to the plant's remaining coal-fired boiler and an enhanced air quality control system. The total generation output of the plant is not expected to change significantly as a result of the project. . . .
The Bay Front Power Plant was originally constructed and began operation in 1916. In 1960, it operated five boilers and six turbines. Since then, two of the boilers, and three of the turbines, have been retired. The three remaining boilers feed into a combined steam header system that can support three turbine-generator sets. During a major plant improvement project completed in 1991, the plant was equipped with an upgraded air quality control system, which includes two gravel bed filters designed to remove more than 98 percent of particulate matter.
Last year, Xcel Energy installed NOx (nitrogen oxide) emission control equipment on the two boilers that primarily burn wood, allowing both to continue to operate into the foreseeable future. When evaluating various alternatives for the remaining boiler, which primarily burns coal, it was determined that expanding Bay Front as a biomass resource was preferred over incurring significant environmental compliance costs relating to the Clean Air Interstate Rule and regulations on mercury emissions. . . .
When complete, the project will reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by more than 60 percent, sulfur dioxides by more than 80 percent and particulate matter by more than 80 percent. In addition, displacing coal with sustainably harvested biomass will also reduce net carbon dioxide emissions, contributing to the company and state of Wisconsin's carbon management goals.
The primary source of biomass at Bay Front is expected to be the lower quality, unused materials that are currently left in area forests following traditional harvests, such as treetops, logging slash, damaged trees, underutilized species, and the cull and mortality classed trees. Initial investigations conducted by Xcel Energy show more than ample supplies of this lower quality biomass within the area.
To ensure future biomass supplies are available on a reliable basis, Xcel Energy is working with the Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence, University of Wisconsin-Madison and local agricultural experts to explore the feasibility of developing biomass plantations and grower cooperatives.
"Xcel Energy has been a long-time leader in providing renewable energy from local sources to the citizens of Wisconsin," said Michael Vickerman, executive director, RENEW Wisconsin. Mark Redsten, executive director, Clean Wisconsin, agreed.
Renewable Energy Installations in WI
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Xcel files application for largest biomass plant in Midwest
From a news release posted on WQOW TV (Eau Claire):
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
State law exempts renewable systems from sales tax
Wisconsin law exempts wind, solar, and anaerobic digester systems from the sales and use tax, effective July 2009.
In order to be considered an eligible product, devices must be capable of producing at least 200 watts of alternating current or 600 British thermal units per day. The exemption under does not apply to uninterruptible power sources that are designed primarily for computers.
The law also exempts "receipts from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption of electricity or energy" produced by a qualifying system.
In order to be considered an eligible product, devices must be capable of producing at least 200 watts of alternating current or 600 British thermal units per day. The exemption under does not apply to uninterruptible power sources that are designed primarily for computers.
The law also exempts "receipts from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption of electricity or energy" produced by a qualifying system.
Renewable energy
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Citizens Utility Board and Pub Service agree on energy efficiency, conservation, decoupling
From a news release issued by the Citizens Utility Board:
Madison and Green Bay, Wis. – The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (WPS) have finalized an agreement to develop a program that will help consumers save energy. The agreement was completed on February 17, 2009.
“CUB and WPS collaborated on the issues to develop a program that will provide substantial benefits to customers and the environment by aggressively pursuing energy efficiency and conservation,” said Charlie Higley, CUB executive director.
CUB and WPS are now working with Focus on Energy, which provides energy efficiency and renewable energy services to residents and businesses in Wisconsin, to design the details of the program, with implementation scheduled for later this year.
The principle components of the program include the following:
+ WPS will increase its annual contribution to Focus on Energy in each of the next four years, 2009 through 2012. With more funds, Focus on Energy will be able to provide additional energy efficiency and renewable energy services to customers of WPS;
+ CUB, WPS, and Focus on Energy will develop energy-saving programs for three communities in the utility’s service territory. The programs will feature innovative rate options, enhanced energy efficiency options, and other ways for customers to reduce their energy use;
+ WPS reduced electric and gas rates for residential and commercial customers by $2.1 million (these changes took effect in January 2009);
+ WPS reduced the “fixed charge” and increased the “volumetric charge,” which are the two major components of electric and natural gas rates. These changes help low-income and other customers who already use a minimum amount of energy, and can encourage other customers to use less energy (these changes took effect in January 2009);
+ WPS will use a “revenue stabilization mechanism,” also known as “decoupling,” which will assure WPS of a certain level of revenue for its electric and natural gas service regardless of weather and other conditions. WPS’s revenue level will be trued up annually. If WPS’s revenues are higher than expected, customers will receive refunds. If WPS’s revenues are lower than expected, WPS will recover the difference over the next year.
Energy efficiency,
Renewable energy,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Stimulus bright spot: renewable energy
From an article by Tom Content in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Johnson Controls has begun generating electricity from the largest solar power system in the state - nearly 1,500 panels erected on the northeast corner of the company's headquarters campus in Glendale.
The solar power system is part of the $73 million renovation and rehabilitation of the headquarters campus and power solutions businesses for the state's largest company - and will be a showpiece for Johnson Controls as it tries to persuade customers to incorporate renewable energy into their buildings.
Power began generating this month after We Energies commissioned the solar system, said Don Albinger, vice president of renewable energy solutions at Johnson Controls.
The expansion of solar power is timely, coming as the stimulus package was signed into law. Energy experts are marveling at the array of tax benefits aimed at bringing more renewable energy online quickly, such as provisions that provide federal loan guarantees and accelerated depreciation for renewable projects.
"In these dismal times, we've got to look for some bright spots, and to me a great bright spot is the stuff that's involved with renewable energy in that stimulus bill," said Art Harrington, an energy lawyer with Godfrey & Kahn in Milwaukee.
Godfrey hosted three meetings across the state this week that drew about 500 businesspeople looking to learn more about economic opportunities created by the stimulus law, Harrington said.
"My advice to clients is to get knowledgeable on this stimulus bill," he said. "Get knowledgeable quickly and then follow the money."
Renewable energy
Friday, February 20, 2009
Upcoming Energy Events at UW-Madison
Tuesday, March 3
Contributions of Climate Science to the Electric Power Industry:Forecasting with Lead Times of Hours to Decades
PSERC Public Tele-seminar
Tuseday, March 10
Renewable Petroleum™ Products and Technologies: Building Micro-refineries for Simple Low-Cost Fuel and Chemical Production
LS9, Inc.
Tuseday, April 21
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Co Supported on Modified Aluminas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Contributions of Climate Science to the Electric Power Industry:Forecasting with Lead Times of Hours to Decades
PSERC Public Tele-seminar
Tuseday, March 10
Renewable Petroleum™ Products and Technologies: Building Micro-refineries for Simple Low-Cost Fuel and Chemical Production
LS9, Inc.
Tuseday, April 21
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on Co Supported on Modified Aluminas
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
RENEW & Clean WI submit comments to support higher buy-back rates for small renewable installations
The comments of RENEW and Clean Wisconsin expess support for the PSC to order utilities to pay higher prices (rates) for electricity they purchase from the owners of small renewable electricity installations, such as wind turbines, solar panels, and anaerobic biodigesters.
The reasons for higher buy-back rates the comments say are:
For comments of several other organizations, go to the list of submitted documents on the PSC Web site.
The reasons for higher buy-back rates the comments say are:
based on the barriers distributed generators face in a centralized power environment. Past energy policy has had the effect of creating a landscape of economic effects that thwart investment in renewable energy capacity, making progress dependent on future emission, environmental and tax policies. Uncertainty about future policies is likely to cause investors to delay investment in renewable energy until such policies become clear, coherent, and economically rational. The current policy landscape is especially slanted toward larger installations (100 MW or greater) because of their economies of scale. If Wisconsin is to nurture a distributed generation market, the logical place to intervene is through utility buyback rates. All current utility buyback rates for distributed generation, except a few recent experimental rates, provide marginal compensation for distributed generation. This situation is especially acute for variable output renewable generators that supply energy, but not capacity, such as wind and solar electric (in single installations).
For comments of several other organizations, go to the list of submitted documents on the PSC Web site.
Renewable energy,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
We Energies seeks proposals for renewable energy R&D grants
From the solicitation announcement from We Energies:
We Energies offers grants under its Renewable Energy Research and Development (R&D) Grant Program to its business and not-for-profit electric customers as well as to organizations teamed with We Energies business and not-for-profit electric customers. This program offers financial assistance in the form of a grant to conduct research on renewable energy technologies, or to help demonstrate a renewable energy product or technology. Areas of research that will receive the highest funding priority include work in the following areas:
1. Improving existing renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, and biomass.
2. Expanding renewable distributed-generation technologies and related technologies, such as energy storage and smart grid technologies that directly benefit the integration and distribution of renewable energy onto the grid.
3. Developing renewable energy technologies, products and services that provide more affordable electricity and improved reliability.
4. Conducting longer-term research on advanced renewable technologies that will help meet tomorrow's electricity needs and contribute positively to the renewable energy industry.
A proposed research project must be located within We Energies electric service territory, or if not located within the service territory it must clearly provide local benefits to the electric service territory. Grants are not intended to offset the cost of purchasing small renewable systems such as a residential photovoltaic installations and/or a small wind turbine on a farm, but rather are intended for research and development endeavors that will clearly advance a technology or product, and will clearly contribute positively to the renewable energy industry. . . .
We Energies offers grant funds up to a maximum grant of $200,000 per project. Although matching funds are not required for this grant program, any additional funding that can be added to the proposal is considered a favorable element of the project and increases the chances for a successful grant. In addition, as noted above, We Energies grant funds may potentially be used as matching funds toward a larger state or federal grant program, provided project activities meet this program’s requirements and intent. Only one R&D grant will be awarded per applicant per program year. Exceptions will be made for Universities and similar type organizations where separate project applications may be received from different departments within the organization in one calendar year. In those cases, only one successful grant will be awarded to a specific department in a calendar year. . . .
How do I apply for a grant?
Complete and submit the application. The application requires a scope of work that describes the goals of your study, the tasks or deliverables that will be accomplished, a timeline and budget for each task/deliverable, and your qualifications (and those of your team, if applicable). If a consultant or outside entity will perform all or a portion of the work, a scope of work and associated materials must be received on their letterhead and signed by the person(s) committing to complete the study. If you’re an organization teaming with a We Energies electric customer, a letter of commitment from all parties, describing the
relationship and roles of each party, also must be included in your application. . . .
More information:
Amy Flom
Renewable energy
Monday, February 16, 2009
Stimulus bill boosts solar installations
From a post by Annie Carmichael on Vote Solar:
The recovery package will immediately spur job creation along each link in the solar supply chain- from PV panel manufacturers to solar hot water system installers. Serious kudos to our hard-working friends at SEIA who traversed the halls of Congress until the 11th hour, and to all of our members who chimed in online to make their voices heard. For more information on the bill check out SEIA's website.
Solar provisions in the final economic recovery bill:
Renewable Energy Grants: Given the economic downturn, many traditional solar project financiers were left without the tax appetite necessary to put the 30 percent solar tax credit to good use. This provision puts solar finance back on track by offering DOE grants as an alternative to the tax credit. To be eligible for the program, the project must commence construction in 2009 or 2010 and be placed in service by January 1, 2017. Applications must be filed by October 1, 2011.
Repeals Penalty for Municipal Solar Finance Programs: Around the country, cities are implementing innovative finance programs that help residents and businesses go solar without breaking the bank. As the tax code was written, there was some uncertainty as to whether participants in these programs could claim the federal solar tax credit. This provision ensures that businesses and individuals can qualify for the full amount of the solar tax credit, even if projects are financed with local development bonds or other subsidized energy financing.
Loan Guarantee Program: This provision is especially helpful for the development of large-scale solar power plants. It establishes a temporary DOE loan guarantee program for renewable energy and electric power transmission projects. The program is available for any renewable project that commences construction by September 30, 2011. The program provides $6 billion in renewable funding.
Manufacturing Investment Credit: Everyone wants manufacturing jobs, and this provision will help attract solar manufacturing facilities to the U.S. It provides up to $2.3 billion to fund 30 percent investment tax credit for facilities engaged in the manufacture of advanced energy technologies. Projects must be certified by the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, through competitive bidding.
Remove Limits on Solar Water Heating: This provision gives solar hot water heaters the same treatment of solar panels. It repeals the $2,000 monetary cap, making solar water heating property eligible for the full 30 percent tax credit.
Solar thermal
Friday, February 13, 2009
Zero Energy Building: The Convergence of solar power and energy efficiency
From WE Energies and the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance:
Coming to Milwaukee!
Friday, March 13, 2009, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Lessons For Architects, Builders, Designers, Engineers, Developers, and Owners
Steven J. Strong, President, Solar Design Associates
Lew W. Pratsch, U.S. Department of Energy
We Energies
Public Service Building - Auditorium
231 W. Michigan St.
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Sponsored by We Energies and the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
Friday, March 13, 2009
8:00am - 8:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 8:45am Welcome and Introductions
8:45am - 9:15am PV Cell and Module Technology
9:15am - 10:15am Overview of PV Systems Options & Applications: Intro to basic systems and components with application examples
10:15am - 10:30am Morning Break
10:45am - 12:00pm Moving Toward Zero Energy Homes
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm - 2:00pm BIPV: Options, Materials and Methods
2:00pm - 2:45pm BIPV: A World View
2:45pm - 3:00pm Afternoon Break
3:00pm - 4:00pm BIPV - Detailed Case Studies
4:00pm - 4:30pm Codes, Economics and Incentives
4:30pm - 5:00pm Wrap Up with Questions and Discussion
Coming to Milwaukee!
Friday, March 13, 2009, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Lessons For Architects, Builders, Designers, Engineers, Developers, and Owners
Steven J. Strong, President, Solar Design Associates
Lew W. Pratsch, U.S. Department of Energy
We Energies
Public Service Building - Auditorium
231 W. Michigan St.
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Sponsored by We Energies and the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
Friday, March 13, 2009
8:00am - 8:30am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30am - 8:45am Welcome and Introductions
8:45am - 9:15am PV Cell and Module Technology
9:15am - 10:15am Overview of PV Systems Options & Applications: Intro to basic systems and components with application examples
10:15am - 10:30am Morning Break
10:45am - 12:00pm Moving Toward Zero Energy Homes
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm - 2:00pm BIPV: Options, Materials and Methods
2:00pm - 2:45pm BIPV: A World View
2:45pm - 3:00pm Afternoon Break
3:00pm - 4:00pm BIPV - Detailed Case Studies
4:00pm - 4:30pm Codes, Economics and Incentives
4:30pm - 5:00pm Wrap Up with Questions and Discussion
Energy efficiency,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
AESP elects new officers and board members
From a news release posted on Yahoo!Finance:
AESP Executive Committee
+ Sue Nathan of Applied Energy Group - Board Chair
+ Carol White of National Grid - Executive Vice Chair
+ Brad Kates of Opinion Dynamics Corp. - Treasurer and Immediate Past Chair
+ Michael Stockard of Oncor Electric Delivery - Secretary
+ Daniel Violette of Summit Blue Consulting - Vice Chair, Business Development
+ Mark S. Martinez of Southern California Edison Company - At Large
Additional Officers
+ Val Jensen of ComEd - Vice Chair of Local Chapters
+ Katherine Johnson of Johnson Consulting Group - Vice Chair of Publications
+ Tami Rasmussen of KEMA - Co-Vice Chair of Education
+ Michael Brophy of Enbridge Gas Distribution - Co-Vice Chair of Education
+ Lisa Skumatz of Skumatz Economic Research Associates - Vice Chair of Member Services
+ Sara Van de Grift of Wisconsin Energy Efficiency Corp - Vice Chair of Topic Committees
Additional Board Members
In addition to the officers above, AESP's volunteer board also includes:
+ Tom DuBos of Apogee Interactive
+ John Hargrove of NV Energy
+ Bill LeBlanc of Boulder Energy Group
+ Mike Messenger of Itron
+ William Miller of Pacific Gas & Electric Company
+ Tracy Narel of ENERGY STAR, U.S. EPA (non-voting)
+ George Phillips of Morgan Marketing Partners
+ Richard Spellman of GDS Associates
+ Elizabeth Titus of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership
+ Kendall Youngblood, Energy Trust of Oregon
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Consultant hired to reconsider need for new Dane County transmission line
From an article by Mike Ivey in The Capital Times:
Will the combination of a deep economic slowdown, coupled with improvements in energy efficiency, preclude the need for a new $250 million high-voltage electric transmission line across Dane County?
It's a question some are asking as more factories close at the same time President Obama is calling for a greening of the nation's century-old electric system.
Last week, the Madison City Council approved hiring a consultant to study the economics of a new 345-kilovolt transmission line and to determine whether it is warranted. The city previously hired a consultant to study putting the line underground or somewhere other than along the Beltline highway as proposed.
"Certainly you'd like to see industrial activity pick up while we also make improvements in efficiencies," says east side Ald. Satya Rhodes-Conway. "But the fact that Obama is talking about a 'smart grid' enables us to maybe gain traction for some alternatives."
Part of the more than $800 billion economic stimulus package working its way through Congress focuses on improving energy efficiency and using technology to conserve power. This includes everything from individual meters, which peg electric charges to the time of day, to motion-sensitive switches that turn lights on and off as people enter or leave a room.
Energy advocates have also talked about "distributed generation," or the concept of having smaller on-site power generators at individual factories or businesses versus the traditional system of high-voltage lines connected to a large power plant in a distant location.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Energy Center of Wisconsin sets worksohps
From the Energy Center of Wisconsin:
eQUEST Trainings: the Quick Energy Simulation Tool
Presenting faculty: Marlin Addison, M.S. and Lee DeBaillie, P.E., LEED AP
eQUEST: Introduction to Schmatic Design
March 24, 2009 | Wauwatosa, WI
eQUEST: Introduction to Detailed Design
March 25, 2009 | Wauwatosa, WI
Learn how to evaluate today's building technologies... at the speed of today’s design process!
Energy Center University is hosting eQUEST: Introduction to Schmatic Design, March 24, 2009 and eQUEST: Introduction to Detailed Design, March 25, 2009 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Milwaukee-Wauwatosa in Wauwatosa, WI. The eQUEST energy simulation tool allows its users to perform detailed analysis of state-of-the-art building design technologies using today’s most sophisticated building energy use simulation techniques. You don't need extensive experience in the "art" of building performance modeling to effectively use eQUEST. The eQUEST energy simulation tool has different levels of sophistication and functionality, making it useful for "big picture" schematic-level decisions as well as detailed fine tuning of building systems. With eQUEST, you will learn how to provide professional-level results in an affordable level of effort.
The trainings are designed for engineers, architects, other design professionals and anyone wanting a better understanding of how to use eQUEST. The program is presented by Marlin Addison, M.S., Addison and Associates and Lee DeBaillie, P.E., LEED AP, Technical Director at the Energy Center of Wisconsin. The registration fee for attending each day of training is $289, which includes continental breakfast, refreshments, lunch and program materials. Attend both eQUEST trainings for the discounted rate of $469! Members of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) will receive 7 learning units for attending each day of training. A block of rooms has been secured at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Milwaukee-Wauwatosa at the special rate of $129/night. Please make your reservations by calling 414.475.9500 prior to March 1, 2009 and request the Energy Center of Wisconsin special rate. Please register early as these trainings may sell out. For more information and to register online, please visit
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wisconsin Energy freezes hiring, executive pay
From an article by in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Anticipating a decline in electricity sales in 2009, Wisconsin Energy Corp. has frozen the salaries of top executives and implemented a limited hiring freeze.
"We have frozen hiring, except for critical operating positions," Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Gale Klappa said.
The cost-containment moves were made at the end of the year and announced Tuesday, after the Milwaukee energy holding company reported fourth-quarter earnings that beat expectations of Wall Street analysts.
Colder-than-projected weather that drove higher use of natural gas and electricity; declining fuel prices; and income from the new Port Washington natural gas-fired power plant helped the company report better-than-expected earnings in the quarter, Chief Financial Officer Allen Leverett said.
We Energies, the main utility subsidiary of Wisconsin Energy, has projected that electricity sales to factories and other large customers will fall 6% in 2009.
In the fourth quarter, sales to those large customers fell 9% from the fourth quarter of 2007. Hardest hit, Klappa said, are paper mills, auto parts suppliers and basic metal companies such as foundries and specialty steel companies.
"Just having talked to a few of our largest customers over the last couple of weeks, my sense is we're not at the bottom yet in terms of the impact of the recession," he said.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Alliant reports drop in revenue and earnings
From an article by Judy Newman in the Wisconsin State Journal:
Alliant Energy’s profits dropped 46 percent in 2008, hampered by massive floods in Iowa, and a growing list of factory cuts in Wisconsin.
Alliant will decide by the end of February if it will ask regulators for an emergency rate hike for Wisconsin Power & Light customers.
"It is understandable that our customers find it frustrating that the economic hardships many of them are experiencing could, in turn, compel us to increase their electric bills," Alliant chief financial officer Pat Kampling told a conference call with analysts Thursday. She said the company already has frozen salaries, reduced travel and enacted other efficiencies.
Alliant also faces big questions about adding power. State regulators in Iowa on Wednesday approved subsidiary Interstate Power & Light’s plan to build a 649-megawatt, mostly coal-fired power plant in Marshalltown, but at a rate of return to investors that Alliant chief executive Bill Harvey said doesn’t reflect the real cost or the current credit crunch. "Suffice it to say, we are disappointed in this decision," Harvey said.
"We believe that effectively kills the project," analyst David Parker, of Robert W. Baird & Co., wrote in a research note. Three months ago, Wisconsin regulators turned down plans for a mostly coal-fired power plant at Cassville.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
New business group will back Global Warming Task Force proposals
From a media release issued by CREWE:
(MADISON, Wis.) – Leading Wisconsin companies are joining forces to advocate for the meaningful global warming policy changes proposed by the Governor’s Global Warming Task Force (GWTF).
The business coalition named Clean, Responsible Energy for Wisconsin’s Economy (CREWE) looks forward to working with other members of the GWTF, the Doyle Administration and other companies and organizations to push for the adoption of policies that effectively and responsibly address global warming and capture the economic development and environmental opportunities in Wisconsin, said CREWE Board Chairman Dan Ebert.
“Wisconsin is poised for a transition to a sound economy powered by good, new, green jobs,” Ebert said. “CREWE was formed around the belief that a sustained and shared partnership of government, business and citizens is needed to build a clean energy and reliable future that will benefit all Wisconsin residents and businesses.”
Coalition members include Wisconsin Energy Corp., Madison Gas & Electric, Orion Energy Systems, American Transmission Co., Johnson Controls, MillerCoors, WPPI Energy, Potawatomi Tribe and C5-6 Technologies.
CREWE is dedicated to joining forces with other supporters to promote responsible policies that address climate change, create jobs, promote energy efficiency, reliability and independence, and mitigate the economic impacts of rising energy costs, Ebert added.
Climate change
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fifteen program themes highlight bio industry energy; business technologies and practices; curriculum programs and course design; energy efficiency, energy management and renewable, sustainable and green practices; energy policy, legal issues, drivers of the energy revolution, and opportunities for funding; green career pathways; green manufacturing; greening practices for colleges; green transportation; solar electric energy; solar thermal and geothermal energy; utility issues; water technologies; and wind energy.
March 25 and 26 focus on the renewable energy industry with presentations on all sectors of the industry. March 27 features Green Career Day with the focus on educational and job opportunities. March 28 offers workshops and short courses at the MATC Oak Creek Campus. For details see
Renewable energy
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
International climate expert to speak in Milwaukee
A presenter of major international stature has committed to the 2009 Wisconsin Renewable Energy Summit (WRES), March 25-28 in Milwaukee.
Dr. George Stone, WRES Co-Chair, recently received a commitment from Dr. James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies as a keynote presenter at the 2009 WRES. Dr. Hansen is best known for his position on climate change, and courage in dealing with political pressure.
A Google search will bring up greater detail on Dr. Hansen’s career and accomplishments.
Dr. George Stone, WRES Co-Chair, recently received a commitment from Dr. James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies as a keynote presenter at the 2009 WRES. Dr. Hansen is best known for his position on climate change, and courage in dealing with political pressure.
A Google search will bring up greater detail on Dr. Hansen’s career and accomplishments.
Climate change
Monday, February 2, 2009
Renewable Energy Summit set for March 25-28, Milwaukee
Green Business – Unlimited Economic Opportunity
March 25-28
The four-day 2009 Summit will attract more than 2000 attendees from business, industry and education for exhibits, plenary and breakout sessions and workshops.
The “silver lining” of the nation’s current financial crisis is really a “green lining.” More and more businesses are making the historic transition from fossil fuels to renewable resources and energy efficiency, thereby reaping greater productivity and lower costs.This historic shift creates ever-brighter prospects for workforce, manufacturing and technological development in the future green economy, and for innovative energy management and use.
Fifteen program themes highlight bio industry energy; business technologies and practices; curriculum programs and course design; energy efficiency, energy management and renewable, sustainable and green practices; energy policy, legal issues, drivers of the energy revolution, and opportunities for funding; green career pathways; green manufacturing; greening practices for colleges; green transportation; solar electric energy; solar thermal and geothermal energy; utility issues; water technologies; and wind energy.
March 25 and 26 focus on the renewable energy industry with presentations on all sectors of the industry. March 27 features Green Career Day with the focus on educational and job opportunities. March 28 offers workshops and short courses at the MATC Oak Creek Campus. For details see
March 25-28
The four-day 2009 Summit will attract more than 2000 attendees from business, industry and education for exhibits, plenary and breakout sessions and workshops.
The “silver lining” of the nation’s current financial crisis is really a “green lining.” More and more businesses are making the historic transition from fossil fuels to renewable resources and energy efficiency, thereby reaping greater productivity and lower costs.This historic shift creates ever-brighter prospects for workforce, manufacturing and technological development in the future green economy, and for innovative energy management and use.
Fifteen program themes highlight bio industry energy; business technologies and practices; curriculum programs and course design; energy efficiency, energy management and renewable, sustainable and green practices; energy policy, legal issues, drivers of the energy revolution, and opportunities for funding; green career pathways; green manufacturing; greening practices for colleges; green transportation; solar electric energy; solar thermal and geothermal energy; utility issues; water technologies; and wind energy.
March 25 and 26 focus on the renewable energy industry with presentations on all sectors of the industry. March 27 features Green Career Day with the focus on educational and job opportunities. March 28 offers workshops and short courses at the MATC Oak Creek Campus. For details see
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