Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Solar hot water holds business benefits

From a new fact sheet published by Focus on Energy:

More and more, Wisconsin businesses that use large volumes of hot water are discovering that solar hot water systems can save money in a variety of commercial applications— and benefit the environment as well. A proven technology that’s been in use for decades, solar hot water systems are well suited for use in Wisconsin all
year round.

Solar hot water systems can be a smart investment for business owners because the energy cost savings pay for the up-front and operational costs of the system.
Depending on the application, the internal rate of return (IRR) for solar hot water systems can be as high as 20 percent. Another attractive financial benefit of
solar hot water systems is that costs do not fluctuate like those of other fuels—making today’s robust, reliable systems a viable shield against ever-rising
energy costs.

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