Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Thursday, September 18, 2008

There’s No Such Thing As A Free Ride(r)

The Wisconsin Chapter of the
Association of Energy Services Professionals
Invites you to Attend

There’s No Such Thing As A Free Ride(r)

This panel discussion will kick-off with the recap of two papers from the 2008 ACEEE Summer Study. The first paper is from Gay Cook, Summit Blue Consulting, and it gives an overview of the different evaluation methods being used for estimating free ridership. The second paper is from Jane Peters, Research Into Action. Jane explains why she thinks the current popular method for counting free riders will be the death of DSM programs within four years if we don’t make some changes.

Panel members (TBD) will add their thoughts to these ideas.

The Importance of Net Savings Estimates: Why Knowing FR Is Essential Stephen Heins, Orion Energy Systems

The Implementer’s Point-of-View: What Does A Real Live FR Look Like? Nick Hall, TecMarket Works

The Space-Time Continuum: Counting FR At Different Times and Places

One hour of presentation will be followed by one hour of open floor discussion.

Don’t miss your chance to get in on this lively, informal and important debate!

Time: Wednesday, November 5, 6:00 to 8:00
Place: WECC Office, 431 Charmany Drive, Madison, WI
Social hour from 5:00 to 6:00. Food and drink will be provided.
(Good food from Willy St. Coop and some home brews, too.)

$15 AESP members and Non-Profit Organizations
$25 Non-members
$5 Students/Unemployed

RSVP to Johna before November 3.
(Checks should be made out to: AESP-WI)

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