Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Coalition unveils strategies for economic growth, GHG reductions

From a news release issued by the coalition for Clean, Responsible Energy for Wisconsin’s Economy (CREWE)

MADISON, Wis. - Citing benefits that include job creation, keeping businesses competitive, reducing greenhouse gases and lowering energy costs, the coalition for Clean, Responsible Energy for Wisconsin’s Economy (CREWE) today released its policies on Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and Energy Efficiency as a template for economic growth.

The launch of the policy papers, which were drafted by CREWE members, coincides with Earth Day, the annual event in which environmental awareness is at the forefront of the public’s mind.

“CREWE worked very hard to come up with a set of policies on RPS and Energy Efficiency that not only follow Gov. Doyle’s Global Warming Task Force final report, but also directly benefit the people of this state,” Thad Nation, executive director of CREWE, said. “The late U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson would be pleased to know the principles he founded Earth Day on will both help the environment and our state’s economy.”

Key points from the RPS paper include:

+ An expected growth in green manufacturing through increased demand in solar energy technology and wind power, among others;
+ The creation of construction, operation and maintenance jobs by increasing the RPS to 25 percent by 2025; and
+ Shielding consumers from spikes in energy prices by developing Wisconsin’s
homegrown renewable energy sources.

Key points from the Energy Efficiency paper include:

+ Thousands of green jobs would be created from increased investment in private sector energy efficiency;
+ Wisconsin would be a national leader in energy efficiency if it increases its energy conservation goals; and
+ Energy bills will be cut through investment in efficiency programs.

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