Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Look Who's Talking to Your Appliances and Equipment (And Why!)

Is it Time for Wisconsin to Embrace the "Smart Grid"?
9 AM - 4 PM April 29, 2008
Tong Auditorium, 1550 Engineering Dr. Madison WI

Utilities across the nation are actively investigating the conversion options for moving their analog distribution grid into a digital "smart grid" - all with the goals of making energy use more efficient, of making delivery more cost-effective and reliable, and of giving customers more control over their appliances and equipment. And, does this offer a new business opportunity for the telecom industry?

Presentation topics:
Getting the Lay of the Land-Why Do This?
Is the Technology Ready?
Case Studies - Duke and Xcel, Is This Real?
Making the Utility Grid Smarter One Day at a Time
Telecom's Role: Is there a Business Intersection with the Telecom Industry


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