Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Friday, March 28, 2008

Call for energy research proposals

From Focus on Energy:
Wisconsin's Focus on Energy Environmental and Economic Research and Development Program (EERD) is pleased to announce $1,300,000 in grant funding available this year for research projects that study the environmental and economic impacts of electricity and natural gas use in Wisconsin. EERD is looking for projects that study the environmental impacts of biomass and biofuel energy, the economic impacts of the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries, the environmental and economic impacts of climate change in Wisconsin due to electricity or natural gas use, and the economic effects of electric and natural gas use. Multiple year projects will be considered in this funding cycle.

Any researcher or research organization with a project relevant to Wisconsin can apply for a grant. The EERD Research Forum will evaluate proposals and make funding recommendations. We expect to announce funded projects in late May or early June.

Prospective applicants must submit an Intent to Propose form by April 8, 2008 and those invited to submit a full proposal must send it electronically by 12 p.m. on May 1, 2008. The 2007-2008 Request for Proposals and other forms can be found on the Focus on Energy website at

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