Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alliant Energy Releases Annual Environmental Report

From a story on Yahoo Finance:

The report . . . details the utilities' efforts to establish strong biomass markets in Wisconsin and Iowa, and outlines the progress of mercury emissions monitoring at power plants. This year, the report includes an appendix focusing on energy efficiency programs for commercial/industrial, residential and agricultural utility customers, and examples of successful energy efficiency projects. . . .

Other key information in the report includes:

-- Installation and retrofitting of more than 1.4 million electric, natural gas and steam meters with Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) to improve energy forecasting and minimize purchasing energy on the spot market.

-- The 378 megawatts of wind energy IPL and WPL purchase in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin ranks Alliant Energy in the Top 10 among investor-owned utilities, according to the American Wind Energy Association. IPL and WPL will invest over $1 billion in new wind energy by the end of 2010.

-- In 2007, IPL and WPL energy efficiency programs resulted in new, additional savings of over 200,000 megawatt-hours of electricity and almost 7 million therms of natural gas.

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