From the
Web site of the national AESP:
We Energies has made available an Energy Efficiency Resource Library -- click here to access the library. This energy efficiency library is located on our web site in the Business section, Energy Efficiency (WI or MI) Energy Management Information. Hopefully you may find this to be a useful search tool to enhance your own energy efficiency knowledge and product selections.
The library contains the following:
Commercial Energy Advisor
Commercial Energy Advisor provides detailed information on energy consumption in the following 10 market sectors: Congregational Buildings, Dairy Farms, Data Centers, Office Buildings, Motels, Hospitals, Restaurants, Retail, Grocery Stores, and Schools. You'll find advice on low- and no-cost steps you can take immediately to make your facilities operate more efficiently and reliably. You'll also find recommendations for trading up to more energy-efficient equipment that will improve building performance over the long run.
Operations & Maintenance Advisor
Did you know that O&M best practices can reduce a commercial building's energy consumption by 15 to 20 percent? O&M Advisor gives you highly detailed information about the steps you can take to improve the performance and energy efficiency of your equipment.
Purchasing Advisor || Calculators
Purchasing Advisor is an extensive online library of energy-related technology buyer's guides and management tips. Each guide offers a concise summary of the key facts about a given technology and its optimal application. We explain the importance of each technology in the context of overall energy management, review the available options, and offer an unbiased recommendation for the technology's use in a variety of commercial settings. We also cover issues that need to be considered when purchasing a given product. The Calculators page contains links to tools that will help you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a variety of HVAC, lighting, power quality, refrigeration, and water heating equipment.
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