Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Monday, August 30, 2010

Impromptu ACEEE Summer Study review, August 31

Since quite a few people in the Madison area energy community were able to make it to the ACEEE Summer Study it was suggested that it would a good idea to have a little get together and share event highlights. So, the Madison’s AESP chapter will be hosting an impromptu discussion in WECC’s board room tomorrow Tuesday, August 31. It should be a fun time.

Tuesday, August 31
431 Charmany Dr.
Food/drink/social: 5:30-6:00

For more information please read the attached official invite.

RSVP is not required, but appreciated for food/drink planning. The
event will be free.

Kristopher Steege-Reimann, LC, LEED Green Associate
3001 Hermina St
Madison, WI 53714

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