Renewable Energy Installations in WI

Friday, August 13, 2010

Juneau rejects energy grant

From an article by Paul Marose in the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen:

JUNEAU - Government grants offer opportunity, but opportunity can come at a cost.

Tuesday night, the Juneau City Council unanimously overturned its earlier approval of a $25,600 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce because the cost of compliance appeared to outweigh the benefits of the grant.

"We can't afford it," summarized Mayor Ron Bosak.

"We'd have to pay up front and there's no guarantee it would pay us back," said Ward 2 Alderman John Schuster.

On June 8, the council voted to accept the grant money, stating in a resolution it would, "assist in financing the proposed energy conservation project to replace interior and exterior lighting with fluorescent and LED lighting for the city garage... community center... and city hall."

At that time, city street superintendent Chad Stange told the council, "we got a contract from the state and they'll send us the rules and regulations needed to procure the products and services for this project.

"Everything is moving smoothly, but at a snail's pace," he said.

Tuesday all movement stopped.

"At the time the grant came out, it was not clear to the city that it was going to be a cost-reimbursement grant," said Juneau Clerk/Treasurer Gladys McKay-Lenius.

"We didn't budget for the anticipated costs and the return would come in energy savings over time," she said.

"It appears to be cost-prohibitive with an estimated return," McKay-Lenius said, adding it would take the staff a great deal of time to complete reports required to comply with grant standards.

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